


  1. Operating System

    You can find anything in here, from the history of operating system to the advantages of operating system. Basically it’s like wikipedia!

  2. Understanding Operating System

    This is my first go-to page when learning operating system for the first time. It is a really friendly webstie for a first timer learning operating system.

  3. What is an operating system?

    It explains every single bit of what operating system is the function, why we should use operating system, the examples and so on.


  1. 30 Bash Script

    This website will help you to get the basic idea on bash programming. Most of the common operations of bash scripting are explained with very simple examples here.

  2. Bash Scripting Tutorial

    This is another bash scripting tutorial

  3. C Language Beginner’s Handbook

    I think this beginner’s handbook gives you a well-rounded overview of the language!


  1. Linux Command

    The Linux command is a utility of the Linux operating system. All basic and advanced tasks can be done by executing commands. This website gives you the basic linux command

  2. Linux Command 2.0

    This website gives you more tutorial for beginners, from the history, openting the terminal, creating folders, and many more. Just check it out!

  3. Linux Cheatsheet

    The Linux File Hierarchy Standard (FHS). This describes what the folders are for on your root directory and what is typically stored there.


  1. Difference between SH & Bash

    In this article we went through the differences between Bash and sh alongside their features and their conformation with POSIX.

  2. Logical and Physical Address in OS

    This website tells you about the differences between logical and physical address.


  1. Difference between Physical and Virtual Memory

    This article explains to you about the main point about the difference between Physical and Virtual Memory

  2. Intro to Physical memory

    This article explain alot about Physical memory from introduction to memory analysis

  3. Intro to Virtual Memory

    This article explain just what you need to know (the basics) of virtual memory


  1. What is page replacement?

    This article will introduce you to the concept of page replacement, which is used in memory management. You will understand the definition, need and various algorithms related to page replacement.

  2. Page replacement FIFO

    This article explains what the definition and example of the FIFO page replacement algorithm

  3. Page replacement LRU

    This article explains what the definition and example of the LRU page replacement algorithm

  4. Page replacement Optimal

    This article explains what the definition and example of the Optimal page replacement algorithm


  1. Linux From Scratch

    This website tells you all you need to know about linux from scratch

  2. Multiprocessor Scheduling

    In this article, we will learn about the multiprocessor scheduling and also discuss about the different types of multiprocessor operating system

  3. Multiprocessor Scheduling Tutorial

    This article bassicly give you the tutorial for multiprocessor scheduling


  1. OS Scheduling Alogirthms

    This website explain everyrhing about scheduling algorithm from FCFS to Multiple-Queues

  2. Multiple Processor Scheduling

    Based on the website, a multiprocessor is a system with several processors. Well with the presence of multiple processors it becomes complex to design a scheduling algorithm